I graduated from the University of Hawaii at Manoa with a BFA degree in Drawing and Painting in 1982 and worked as a graphic artist in Honolulu, Hawaii for the past 36 years.  Currently, I'm focusing on getting better as a painter and creating a body of work.

Artists whose work have influenced me when I was younger were Rembrandt, Vermeer, Leonardo da Vinci, Michaelangelo, John Singer Sargent, Constable, and Dali. Artists whose work have influenced me as I got older were Picasso, Van Gogh, Modigliani, Cezanne, Diebenkorn, and Edward Hopper.

I just want to have more fun now with the act of painting and expressing myself more through color and shapes.

The things that interest me most, besides art, are music, sports, and books. I’ve also taken up archery as a hobby.

I'm a voracious reader and I'm almost always reading. Some time ago I read a proverb that said "Read a hundred books, paint one painting." It’s something I try to do and I’ve even found some inspirations in the books I’ve been reading.